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Delaware continues to make great strides in building a community of practice among therapists who serve young children and their families. I appreciate your commitment and the quality and quantity of work you have produced to help this population thrive in the community.  Many therapists statewide have received training in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), an evidenced-based treatment for children ages 2-7 years who experience very challenging and disruptive behaviors, and there are opportunities for continued training.  Today, close to 100 clinicians statewide are actively using PCIT when treating Delaware’s young children. Nine clinicians representing agencies statewide have received PCIT Train-the-Trainer training to further sustain this practice by locally training future PCIT clinicians.  Additionally, 29 clinicians are eligible for PCIT International certification of which 4 have been officially certified.  More importantly, you have worked with over 600 young children and their families in providing PCIT.  This is tremendous progress!


Those of you providing either home-based or in-office PCIT treatment are reporting amazing results. Typically over a 12-16 week treatment period, caregivers learn skills to build positive relationships with their children and decrease the negative parent behaviors associated with poor child outcomes.  With PCIT there has been a marked decrease in attention problems, aggressive behavior, anxiety, sleep problems, withdrawal and depression. Families report an improved quality of life and close to 90% report satisfaction with the service. Parents feel children are more attached and have better self-control with effects lasting 12 months after initial assessment.  Your reach is broad and your impact deep. 


Please join us for the Third BEST Fest to be held on Thursday, December 11 at the Dover Downs Conference Center.  This full-day conference is designed to help you build on strengths, apply PCIT in special population groups such as those with anxiety related issues,​ as well as provide you with an opportunity to hear from renowned PCIT experts Cheryl McNeil, Ph.D. and Anthony Puliafico, Ph.D.  Additionally, you will have an opportunity to learn how to use motivational interviewing strategies to enhance your PCIT work.   


And, we will take time to celebrate our accomplishments in furthering this much needed community of practice in Delaware.  We are very proud of where we are and look forward to the great things ahead for the PCIT community of practice. 


I look forward to seeing you at the 2014 Delaware’s B.E.S.T.  FEST.

Susan A. Cycyk, M.Ed., CRC
Director, Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services
Delaware Children's Department


Message from the DPBHS Director


Hotel & Casino

1131 North DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901

December 11, 2014
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.



3rd Annual PCIT Conference

in partnership with

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